Saturday, February 26, 2005

Jamba blogging again.

After various lame attempts to do their own blog and screwing up:
The master of public relations desaster are back.
When blogs started picking on Jamba they thought it was one hell of a clever idea to undercover blogs pro Jamba. Too bad they posted from their corporate network.
Now they found some shady company named 20six/ which seems to be willing to host their fake content. Ofcoz with direct links to a new trick to rip people off.
Read what DonAlphonso wrote on Blogbar.
And: Beware of loggin in on Jamba/Jamster webpages!!

Financial Times reports political intervention.

The german version of the financial times (FTD) has a great
artikel online about Jamba/Jamster.
Politicians recognized the worldwide disappointment, the theft, the slavery for kids... first actions are ahead:

German minister Künast says in an interview with the FOCUS that political consequenzes will follow. The robbers at Jamster (aka VeriSign) will have to display the contract information as long as the number to order by.
...unfortunately that is for germans only then.
So this can just be a beginning. VeriSign will have to repay the public!
our suggestion: 1 year total tv absence for any thing that is related to VeriSign. Also the Samwer-Brothers should not get away with theft and enslaving their employees.

Read these related articles:
Financial Times Deutschland


Another jamba-only dedicated blog appeared on the net:
Jambasucks Blog
We'll try to provide a complete list of Jamster and Jambo blogs
soon; feel free to add any by commenting here.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Sweety splatter madness

Surprisingly our contribution for the Kill-Sweety Picture-Contest is already the 2nd most viewed 'artwork'.
Awesome! Big thanks to all users who voted for the Chef Juicer.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Back to the future

If taking a deeper look into the history of Jamster/Jamba you get this feeling of having to throw up. For example the University of Berlin has some presentation online from may 2004. Has it all been planned longer than we thought? Well, what they have in this large essay shows clearly the evilness of the "Samwer Brothers". There seem to be plans since years to get on everybodys balls.

But lets go back in time even further: It is september 2001
Jamba is still a small rip off ...idea taken from some US company.
The "Samwer Brothers" just cheated eBay by leaving Alando.
Alando is just an auction place they screwed up before. The usual: low wages, no new let's sell the shit and get outta here.
Read a detailed article here: dotcomtod

Source of lameness is?

DJ Mike figures out why Jamster sucks so much. And he is right: the retarded uncoolness is 'coz they are stuck in the 90s! Check out his analogy "Lame vs. Cool"!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Bad promotion: crazy frog cock

Nah, that sucks,rite? Sending adult content to kids...but hey, it is only 2 bucks fifty. hahahahaha
Anyways, REUTERS has a nice article about the crazy frog and its genitals.
Also the Advertising Standards Authority replies on the request
to stop Jamba ads.

And who did it?

The BBC has an interview with cocklover Daniel Malmedahl.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Money back guarantee

In the post from feb.10th we already mentioned how to avoid payments to Jamba.

Another german blog puts focus on legal issues. Have a look yourself and visit the lawblog.

Have an overview on most blogs that talk about Jamba: Blogstats

See a "The Anoying Thing" video in nice quality on Jakaroo.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Mental issues


Enjoy this great movie from Cecimoz. We did!

Another weird thing to mention is this fake quote:
"The Crazy Frog Ringtone Is The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me, My Wife's Happy, The Country Is Happy, Damn Even John Kerry Is Happy" George W.
No, not that its any humorous...but we found it at TheCrazyFrogFanClub.
They mention free ringtones there and so on...while just linking to Jamster via some affiliate program. Same linking as you find at and many others. Whose pages are that? ;)

A quality check...

Ofcoz you feel abused by the daily ads for ringtones on tv.
But sure you haven't ever subscribed for that crap.
So, how good are those products anyways? has public ratings for ringtones.

Pricing example:
Track: Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Duration: 0:20 min
Quality: lo-fi
Price: ~2.50 $ (depending on where you are the price varies.)
Duration: 4:20 min
Quality: mpeg layer 3
Price: 0.99 $

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Sexual harassment!

Jamster is acused of sexual harassment by the nanny.
source: NannyKnowsBest

According to the nanny some 60 ppl have complained to
the Advertising Standards Authority about that
perverted frog.
If you feel like doing

Subscription and courtesy

There has been lotsa talk that the evil empire does those subscriptions for ringtones with kids...which is unfair enough...but more a fight against the parents than the kids. Or who is gonna pay?

What if a kid subscribes Jamba ringtones?
You really consider that legal?
Well, even Jamba don't quite seem to believe that.
Just sending in a letter claiming to be a lawyer already seems to scare them out of their pants. Thanx to for explaining the victims how to avoid payments to Jamba.

But our fave link for the day is STUPIDIA.
Feel free to contribute to this great project and it can be a
idiocy-blacklist some day!

VeriSign is sad...'coz Jamster was bad!

Sniff. Anyways, the beloved Jamba/Jamster stocks were so lame... VeriSign only earned 94 mio-US$ instead of the expected 100 mio-US$. Now stocks even go down 8.2%.
And whose fault is that? YOURS!
Why the hell didn't you subscribe more bad ringtones?
read what happened here: (that one is in german)

Now don't think you are the only who's pissed off with that.
Sweetie now even bothers the stars. How?
Well, they abuse the Grammy pre-parties now for ringtone terror.
A co-op with RCA Music Group which is a unit of Sony.
What do rintones and music have to do with each other???
Read more about the pain here: (that one is in englisch)

Monday, February 07, 2005

How much does it cost?

If you wanna know how much VeriSign paid for Sweetie or how much they earn with ringtones... you might wanna read this. [in german]
or short: VeriSign payed 273 Million US-$ for Jamba/Jamster.
Means those nerds who started Jamba won the jackpot.

Also there is a very nice new game:

Tweety Buster
So detailed...oldskool 3d....we love it.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


Take action...sign a petition. We'll try to keep track of a complete list.
Holland II

Feel free to add you petitions in the comments section.
No need to register!

The Ring

Uuuuuh, we found a nice videotrailer.
Check out Sweetie - The Ring.

source:Jamba Sucks

Grand Theft Hamster

source: Jamba

Now quite some ppl wasted a lot of money on that one we'd guess.
But, have a guess, that one is 'borrowed' also.

source: Ad-Rag

Or ever wondered where that crazy crazy frog is from?
Original frog images here: turboforce3d (see private works there)
If you hate the frog go here: Bornsloppy (DeathOfTheCrazyFrog.wmv)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Get the competition started...

The people at stylecharts started up a nice competition! See the exquisit gallery or even join in with your creative ideas.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Sweets for my Sweetie , sugar for my.....

Kill some time...kill some Sweetie.

image source:

Here are some more games about it:
Love Sweetie
Kill Sweetie
[both come in lame flash! sorry.]

How bad are the twilightzones? Compare for yourself!
...atleast Sweety is the same crap everywhere.