Monday, November 27, 2006

Samwer involved in Sex Stalking?

According to the german SPIEGEL, Samwers StudiVZ runs inofficial several "mens-clubs" online that stalk women.
Their lame copy of facebook seems just to have the stuff to attract perverts.
Unlike openBC/Xing where women intend either to look professional or like a bitch looking for "business-partnership", the StudiVZ was ment to be for bored students.
Too bad one of the founders, Ehssan Dariani, got caught taking pictures of women on the toilett at a party. Along with the stalking allegations it seems the Samwer Brothers still look like nerds that need it bad.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Indications of a crime: Samwers in Romania

Geeez, what if you got no own creativity, no content but a high level of criminal power?
Rite, you sell stuff without permission. Usual suspects go allofmp3,tlf and others. So have a guess: the criminal minds went romania.

MYVIDEO BROADBAND S.R.L, 4 Dr. Raureanu Str., ap. 4, 3rd floor, 050048 Bukarest,

A good idea for criminal action is always to have all legal issues way in the east!
Quote from the disclaimer:
"13.2 Erfüllungsort und ausschließlicher Gerichtsstand ist, soweit gesetzlich zulässig, Bukarest, Rumänien."

Involved in this action is also the german PRO7SAT1MEDIA AG.